Life On thinking critically and skepticism. It really clicked for me sophomore year of high school. I had gained an interest in eating healthy and was doing a lot of research online to figure out the optimal healthy lifestyle. Now, the area of health can be quite a confusing one seeing as almost every food in
Life A guiding principle for life. One day, when I was a freshman in college, I walked into my mentor's office and he clasped his hands together at his fingertips, moving both hands forward as one. He asked me, "what am I doing?" to which I replied, "I don't
Life Strategies for understanding a concept. In my last post on learning (found here []), I presented a different way to think about the learning process. In this post, I'll focus mainly on the struggle phase and detail strategies for reaching your "a ha" moment. Think like a
Life Featured On happiness in life. Life isn’t about happiness. Life is about feeling the full range of emotions. Life is about exploring the human capacity. Convenient happiness is a facade. Life presents its attributes in a dualistic nature. Pushing through pain allows us to experience bliss. Challenging ourselves, feeling weak and vulnerable, allows us
Life On learning and intrinsic motivation. During a tutoring session last week, I was working with one of my students and could tell that while she could solve most of her homework problems, she still didn't feel confident with the subject. I encouraged her to take some time to dissect the concepts and try
Life Rejection is not a setback, it's a redirection. I decided to write this post after I found out that I was not selected to go on a trip sponsored and subsidized by my school. It was a really great opportunity to visit startups in New York that I was looking forward to, but there were only a limited
Life Personal reflections on self-confidence. This past Friday night I went home to cook dinner with my mom and spend some time with her as the school semester is winding down. After dinner, we were chatting and I told her that I see myself following the entrepreneurial path after graduating college. I said, "You
Life Life is not a linear progression. Rather, it's a grand adventure. All too often during my college career, I find both my peers and myself under great pressure and stress trying to figure out what we want to do and how we want to live our lives. It's easy to find ourselves