Harvesting energy from vibrations for powering small electronics.

Here's a paper I wrote examining piezoelectric vibration energy harvesters. Enjoy!
Further reading (papers I didn't have time to read before turning this assignment in but would like to revisit):
- Power transfer of piezoelectric generated energy
- Strategies for increasing the operating frequency range of vibration energy harvesters: a review
- Energy harvesting from low frequency applications using piezoelectric materials
- The design, fabrication and evaluation of a MEMS PZT cantilever with an integrated Si proof
mass for vibration energy harvesting - A Green and Clean Alternative for Sustained
Power Production - Two dimensional woven nanogenerator
- Converting Biomechanical Energy into Electricity by a Muscle-Movement-Driven Nanogenerator
Another area I'd like to read more about is triboelectric nanogenerators for wearable applications.